io sono un neuroblogger.

so word has come down from the head honchos at the Society for Neuroscience and i've been officially selected as one of ten neurobloggers for this year's annual meeting in washington dc from november 12th to 16th. i will be blogging and tweeting about topics in section d: sensory and motor systems, as well as other interesting talks, events, and my experiences at the meeting. i'm really looking forward to presenting my poster (hope the link works- you may have to log into the Oasis Meeting Planner system here first), which will be in the sunday afternoon session from 1-4, come check me out at GG25.

i also hope to get some sight-seeing in, as i've never been to dc before, so expect to see lots of photos of capitol hill and my attempts at spotting president obama.

if any of you have suggestions of interesting talks or events that i should check out and feature in my blog, feel free to comment below, or list your own presentations so i can add them to my itinerary. my twitter feed can be seen on the right side bar, or here (@paulineddra).

see y'all in dc!! :)
