2011: a new decade

happy new year to all!

after a great holiday, i am back and ready to attack several great projects.

before the holiday break, dr.joe, alina, gerry, and myself took part in a 'miraculous' experiment: granting a man blindness, and then sight again. by taking our contact experiment to the next level, dr. joe agreed to insert 2 of our occluding black contact lenses, one into each eye! needless to say, the experience was unusual and memorable, and i am currently analysing the many observations we made. hopefully, this experience will shed some great insight that i can share at the upcoming Canadian Physiological Society Conference, which will be held in St.Agnese, Quebec this february, at which i will be presenting some more of my work.

he really was totally blind!! :)

zombie profs @ York

i'm also "looking forward" to publishing and composing some manuscripts for my statistics course (mixed modelling vs. repeated measures analyses), neuroscience diploma program requirements (sensory illusions and perception of "self"), and finishing off some works currently in progress (female somatosensory cortex; the effects of eye exercise on saccade tasks). by "looking forward", i mean "will require copious amounts of coffee"... all in all, it's shaping up to be an ambitious start to the new year and the new decade.
